Kiadó: Hammerheart Records
Formátum: CD, Gyűjtemény,  Újrakiadás, Digipack, Remasterelt
Kiadás: Holland
Megjelenés: 2023
Stílus: Doom  Metal

CD állapota: Új

Svéd Doom Metal.


CD1 One with Darkness
1. Sorrow
2. Kiss The Cross
3. One With Darkness
4. Winds of Sacrifice
5. Burn The Witch
6. Hymn of Lunacy
7. Ashes Of The Witch
8. Dancing Souls
9. Adagio 1809
10. Reminiscences Of The Mourner
11. Dance Of The Selenites

CD2 Crucidiction
1. Ego Sum Resurrectio
2. Christianic Indulgence
3. Crucidiction
4. Wintergrief
5. Envy the Dead
6. Lioness’ Roar
7. Mark my Words
8. Gardenia
9. Final Lament

CD3 The Last Grief
1. Once upon a Dawn…
2. In the light of the Moon
3. Slaughteary
4. Evolic
5. Golden Goddess of Fire
6. Tears & Tequila
7. Angelwitches Palace
8. Memory’s Garden
9. Instrumental Hollowcoast
10. MediEvil
11. Under the Cross
12. Darknia: The Last Grief

CD4 Garden of Darkness
1. The Entrance
2. Path I. Beholder’s Tears
3. Path II. Black Godz Serenade – Part I
4. Path III. As Death says Mine
5. Path IV. When Tears Cry
6. Path V. Beyond the 7th Valley
7. Path VI. There Will Never be Another Dawn
8. Path VII. Black Godz Serenade – Part II
9. Path VIII. Tears of the moon

CD5 Lamentations From The Beginning    
    Winds Of Sacrifice (Demo 1993)    
1 Dancing Souls    
2 Burn The Witch    
3 Winds Of Sacrifice    
4 The Other Side    
        Reminiscences Of The Mourner (Demo 1994)    
5 Envy The Dead    
6 Reminiscences Of The Mourner    
7 Ashes Of The Witch    
8 Mark My Word

Tristitia - Lamentations In Darkness 5CD Box Digipack

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